Heavy Machinery is a fashion line inspired by certain plastic toys that act as role models in a way, from idyllically heroic action figures to ethereal Barbies, all presented in perfectly manufactured boxes put on display.  Combined with this sense of artificial perfection is a great influence from the claustrophobic trajectory of a new future; one full of automation and artificial intelligence that have the ability to blur the lines of what it even means to be alive.

The pieces in HM have very robotic qualities, just as much as they give the appearance of being plastic toys. There is also a more personal influence on HM as well, moreso tying back to the impact of plastic toys and their marketing on society’s views on the ideal person. The sheer size of these garments, as well as their ability to break the space of the traditional model, is a rebellion against what is largely seen as a perfect body type. The stuffed nature of the garments and almost cartoonish features also serve to make the user feel as if they are taking up more space and are even larger than life, combatting the insecurity that one is not enough, physically or mentally, when compared with the notion of perfection. This is juxtaposed with synthetic materials and manufactured plastic parts that exacerbate the fear of apocalyptic sameness society may face.

Heavy Machinery consists of 10 individual pieces, combined together in 11 different looks that show off their unique designs. I also constructed a life sized box that acts as packaging for the models wearing the clothes. This collection can be seen below, organized by the 11 different looks, or “subjects”.

Click on the icons below to see more.



Scroll down to view the development of each outfit


Scroll down to view the process of this collection develop with illustration